Countering the new horsemen of the apocalypse

Nuclear war, climate change, lab-created viruses and out-of-control machines need to be understood, but there are risks to lumping threats together

CALL them the modern horsemen of the apocalypse: nuclear war, climate change, doomsday viruses and out-of-control machines. These are the subjects of the proposed Centre for the Study of Existential Risk (CSER), which this week attracted much media attention. "We're talking about threats to our very existence stemming from human activity," says Martin Rees, a cosmologist at the University of Cambridge who wants to found the centre with philosopher Huw Price and Skype inventor Jaan Tallinn.

These new horsemen map quite readily onto the portrayals of war, famine, pestilence and death. Perhaps that's because they're only the latest manifestation of age-old anxieties about the fate of the human race. So is the CSER just the respectable face of doom-mongering?

Events that would entirely eradicate humanity are hard to envisage (New Scientist, 3 March, p 36), but the 20th century saw the advent of technology that could seriously threaten human life as we know it - nuclear weaponry - and the 21st might well see the emergence of more. So the end of the world is now more conceivable than ever - although there's no particular reason to expect it imminently (garbled Mayan prophecies notwithstanding). And Rees is right to say that we don't pay enough attention to the huge, rare risks that might bring it about. Setting them out and sizing them up is worthwhile.

But do we need a centre to bring together specialists in such disparate fields? It's not clear what is to be gained by lumping together, say, nuclear war - whose risks are relatively well understood and contained - and rapacious AI, whose key mitigant may be software design rather than weapons inspections. Why not include genuinely existential natural risks, such as Earth-crossing asteroids? And then there's the potential for robust climate change analysis to become associated with as yet speculative "Terminator studies".

We won't know unless we try it. And the effort might bring fresh perspective to a world full of people who still fret that the LHC will spawn a world-destroying black hole - while they stubbornly ignore the clear and present dangers of climate change.

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Abbas seeks historic state backing at UN

UNITED NATIONS: Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas will head to the General Assembly on Thursday with huge backing for his bid for UN recognition of statehood despite strong US and Israeli opposition.

Abbas will make the case for Palestine to become a UN "non-member observer state" and indicate his conditions for talks with Israel in a key speech to the 193-member assembly.

The Palestinian leadership is determined to make the 65th anniversary of a UN resolution on the division of Palestinian territory a "historic" landmark of their efforts to set up an independent state.

The United States, a staunch ally of Israel, has launched an aggressive campaign against the bid, warning that the vote will do nothing to improve the prospects for new peace talks aimed at ending the decades-long conflict.

US Deputy Secretary of State William Burns and Middle East envoy David Hale met with Abbas at his New York hotel on Wednesday but failed to get the resolution withdrawn or amended, officials said.

"It would be like changing my name," Palestinian foreign minister Riyad al-Malki told reporters when asked if the Palestinians were ready to change their request.

Abbas also held talks with a host of ministers and top diplomats in the day before his speech, including Turkey's Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, who pledged his country's support, and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

Much attention will be focused on the number of countries that back the observer state status. The Palestinians say 132 countries recognize their state bilaterally.

Some of those are expected to abstain, however. And some, such as France and other European nations, are expected to vote in favor even though they have not formally recognized a Palestinian state.

Canada has said it will join the United States in opposing the resolution. Only two European countries, Germany and the Czech Republic, are expected to vote against.

Britain announced it would abstain unless the Palestinians pledged not to seek an International Criminal Court (ICC) case against Israel and promised an immediate return to negotiations with the Jewish state.

The recent Israeli military onslaught against rocket attacks from Gaza could increase support for the Palestinians, diplomats said.

But several European countries, including some backing the bid, believe the Palestinians should have waited until after US President Barack Obama installed his new administration and Israel held elections, diplomats said.

The foreign ministers of Canada, Turkey, Jordan and Indonesia are to speak at the General Assembly meeting starting at 2000 GMT.

Success will give the Palestinians access to UN agencies and treaties and allow them to apply to join the ICC - a prospect that worries Israel.

Senior Palestine Liberation Organization official Hanan Ashrawi said Abbas resisted "intensive pressure" to make concessions on the ICC.

Palestinian envoys have said Abbas will not rush to join the court but could use it if Israel does not change its policies on settlements and other matters.

The United States blocked the application for full membership of the United Nations that Abbas made in September 2011.

The United States and Israel say a Palestinian state can only emerge from direct negotiations, which have been frozen since September 2010.

"We have made very clear to the Palestinian leadership that we oppose Palestinian efforts to upgrade their status at the UN outside of the framework" of talks with Israel, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said.

The Palestinian Authority and UN agencies that admit the Palestinians could lose hundreds of millions of dollars in financing because of the vote. US law prohibits funding for any international body recognising a Palestinian state.

Washington has warned Abbas he risks losing around $200 million in aid, which is currently blocked in the US Congress.

Israel is considering freezing the transfer of tax and customs funds it collects for the Palestinians, while one Israeli foreign ministry policy paper even suggested "toppling" the Palestinian Authority.

But ministry spokeswoman Ilana Stein said Israel would most likely not take any punitive measures unless the Palestinians used the upgrade "as a platform for confrontation" at the ICC.

"Israel's reaction to the Palestinian move depends on what they choose to do. If they use this resolution as a platform for confrontation, we will have to act accordingly," Stein said.

- AFP/de

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Meet Rep. Bob Goodlatte, Hollywood's new copyright ally

Incoming Judiciary chairman Bob Goodlatte on stage at a gala event in Washington D.C. organized by a pro-SOPA music industry group.

Incoming Judiciary chairman Bob Goodlatte on stage at a gala event in Washington D.C. in 2010 organized by a pro-SOPA music industry group.


The outgoing chairman of a House of Representatives panel responsible for U.S. copyright law conceived the memorable Stop Online Piracy Act. Its next chairman happens to be even more enthusiastic about expanding digital copyright law.

Rep. Bob Goodlatte was elected head of the House Judiciary committee today, much to the dismay of advocacy groups that had doggedly worked to defeat SOPA and Protect IP a year ago.

The Virginia Republican has long been a steadfast ally of Hollywood and other large copyright holders, saying as recently as two months ago that "I remain committed to enacting strong copyright laws." In a press release last year, Goodlatte said he was supporting SOPA because the legislation -- which was withdrawn in the face of an unprecedented Internet protest -- would "protect American jobs" and prevent American babies from dying after drinking "counterfeit" baby formula.

"It's unfortunate to see another copyright maximalist taking over the chairmanship of the Judiciary committee, especially because Rep. Goodlatte has failed to show even a slight change of heart after the resounding defeat of SOPA," says Julie Samuels, a staff attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a vocal SOPA critic. "If anything he's doubled down, despite the bill's profound unpopularity."

In a local radio interview weeks after an explosion of criticism prompted outgoing Judiciary chairman Lamar Smith to abandon SOPA, Goodlatte defended the Hollywood-backed bill that he helped to shape. SOPA remains necessary to combat "the theft that's taking place on the Internet," he told WFIR Radio.

Incoming Judiciary chairman Bob Goodlatte receiving the 2011 President's Award from another pro-SOPA music industry group, which praised him for his "ongoing efforts to curb digital theft"

Bob Goodlatte, right, receiving the 2011 President's Award from another pro-SOPA music industry group, which praised him for his "ongoing efforts to curb digital theft"


Goodlatte is even more of a copyright hawk than Smith, who is losing his Judiciary chairmanship because of term limits. Goodlatte previously distributed a press release saying he "applauds" the controversial Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) and said it's "unrealistic" to think that current copyright law's notice-and-takedown provisions will continue to exist (he thinks they're too burdensome for copyright holders). He's also co-chairman of the Anti-Piracy Caucus, which boasts that copyright industries "generate more revenues than any other single manufacturing sector."

A Goodlatte spokeswoman did not respond to requests for comment from CNET today.

The conservative Republican's support for digital piracy crackdowns is hardly new. In 1997, he was responsible for a federal law that makes peer-to-peer pirates liable for up to $250,000 in fines and three-year prison terms. His No Electronic Theft Act made not-for-profit piracy a federal crime; until then, it had been merely a civil offense.

SOPA and Protect IP temporarily vanished after millions of Americans joined an online protest in January against the bill, which included alerts on the home pages of and, although Hollywood has indicated it has not given up. Both bills are designed to target so-called rogue Web sites by allowing the Justice Department to obtain an order to be served on search engines and Internet service providers that would force them to make the suspected piractical site effectively vanish, a procedure that has led to some First Amendment concerns.

Hollywood's (new) favorite Republican

During last winter's SOPA debate, outgoing Judiciary chairman Lamar Smith emerged as Hollywood's favorite Republican politician.

Now Goodlatte is poised to claim that title. The TV, movie, and music industries already were Goodlatte's top industry contributor during the 2012 election cycle, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. (Since early last year, Goodlatte has been chairman of the House Judiciary subcommittee on intellectual property, which probably helped.)

It might seem like an odd relationship. Goodlatte is a social conservative who once voted for a federal investigation of a salacious scene in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, for a ban on Internet gambling, and for a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. He reliably receives a zero percent rating on scorecards prepared by the ACLU and NARAL Pro-Choice America.

Goodlatte represents one of the more conservative corners of Virginia: the 6th District includes Lynchburg and Harrisonburg, and in 2008 opted for John McCain over Barack Obama by a 58 to 42 percent margin. It was home to evangelical pastor and televangelist Jerry Falwell, and was where Falwell founded Liberty University, the largest evangelical Christian school in the world.

The entertainment industry prefers Democratic politicians, of course. No less than 78 percent of political contributions from Hollywood went to Democrats in 2008, and DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg and Warner Bros. Chairman Barry Meyer were Obama's top "bundlers" during this year's campaign.

But when Republicans are in power, the entertainment industry will woo the GOP. The SOPA-supporting National Music Publishers' Association, a copyright hawk that sued Google over allegedly infringing YouTube clips, honored Goodlatte with its President's Award last fall. The group lauded the Virginia congressman as someone who has "tirelessly championed the importance of intellectual property rights."

A year earlier, Goodlatte was a guest of honor at a gala in Washington, D.C. organized by another pro-SOPA group, the American Society of Composers, Artists and Publishers. It was held in advance of the group's Capitol Hill lobbying day, and featured entertainers including singer-songwriters Tracy Chapman and Jessi Alexander. Goodlatte was chosen to introduce musician J.D. Souther, who performed "You're Only Lonely" and "Heartache Tonight."

The Motion Picture Association of America, too, is effusive in praising Goodlatte's copyright expansion efforts. An MPAA blog post said "kudos to Chairman Goodlatte" for defending SOPA against criticism, and a press release said Hollywood "hails" Goodlatte for helping to craft the legislation in the first place. The Recording Industry Association of America, not to be left out, announced that it "salutes" his efforts.

Goodlatte's relationship with Silicon Valley companies that near-uniformly opposed SOPA hasn't always been this tempestuous. In the late 1990s, he visited the San Francisco area to tout legislation to protect Americans' electronic privacy by relaxing encryption export controls. He also supported an opt-out approach to federal spam legislation that was more First Amendment-protective, and did not sponsor an unsuccessful 2002 bill that would have let copyright owners legally hack into computers connected to peer-to-peer networks suspected of harboring pirated files.

More recently, he's sided with technology companies on some legislation. He supported a cybersecurity bill known as CISPA, which industry liked but privacy groups and local tea party groups loathed. And he sponsored a Netflix-backed bill to update 1980s-era federal privacy laws for the Internet.

Ryan Radia, associate director of technology studies at the free-market Competitive Enterprise Institute in Washington, said he was disappointed to see Goodlatte champion SOPA -- but thought he might be more tech-friendly than his predecessor in updating federal privacy law to require that police obtain warrants before reading Americans' e-mail or tracking their cell phone locations. The law is the 1986 Electronic Communications Privacy Act, or ECPA.

"Rep. Goodlatte strongly supported SOPA, including its extremely
controversial DNS filtering provisions," Radia said. "But he did introduce an
amendment (PDF) aimed at limiting SOPA's impact on foreign Web sites when only a portion of such a Web site was infringing. Hopefully Rep. Goodlatte will focus his energies on issues that advance Internet freedom, such as ECPA reform, rather than push policies that undermine it."

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Caterpillar Fungus Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties

In the Tibetan mountains, a fungus attaches itself to a moth larva burrowed in the soil. It infects and slowly consumes its host from within, taking over its brain and making the young caterpillar move to a position from which the fungus can grow and spore again.

Sounds like something out of science fiction, right? But for ailing Chinese consumers and nomadic Tibetan harvesters, the parasite called cordyceps means hope—and big money. Chinese markets sell the "golden worm," or "Tibetan mushroom"—thought to cure ailments from cancer to asthma to erectile dysfunction—for up to $50,000 (U.S.) per pound. Patients, following traditional medicinal practices, brew the fungal-infected caterpillar in tea or chew it raw.

Now the folk medicine is getting scientific backing. A new study published in the journal RNA finds that cordycepin, a chemical derived from the caterpillar fungus, has anti-inflammatory properties.

"Inflammation is normally a beneficial response to a wound or infection, but in diseases like asthma it happens too fast and to too high of an extent," said study co-author Cornelia H. de Moor of the University of Nottingham. "When cordycepin is present, it inhibits that response strongly."

And it does so in a way not previously seen: at the mRNA stage, where it inhibits polyadenylation. That means it stops swelling at the genetic cellular level—a novel anti-inflammatory approach that could lead to new drugs for cancer, asthma, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and cardiovascular-disease patients who don't respond well to current medications.

From Worm to Pill

But such new drugs may be a long way off. The science of parasitic fungi is still in its early stages, and no medicine currently available utilizes cordycepin as an anti-inflammatory. The only way a patient could gain its benefits would by consuming wild-harvested mushrooms.

De Moor cautions against this practice. "I can't recommend taking wild-harvested medications," she says. "Each sample could have a completely different dose, and there are mushrooms where [taking] a single bite will kill you."

Today 96 percent of the world's caterpillar-fungus harvest comes from the high Tibetan Plateau and the Himalayan range. Fungi from this region are of the subspecies Ophiocordyceps sinensis, locally known as yartsa gunbu ("summer grass, winter worm"). While highly valued in Chinese traditional medicine, these fungi have relatively low levels of cordycepin. What's more, they grow only at elevations of 10,000 to 16,500 feet and cannot be farmed. All of which makes yartsa gunbu costly for Chinese consumers: A single fungal-infected caterpillar can fetch $30.

Brave New Worm

Luckily for researchers, and for potential consumers, another rare species of caterpillar fungus, Cordyceps militaris, is capable of being farmed—and even cultivated to yield much higher levels of cordycepin.

De Moor says that's not likely to discourage Tibetan harvesters, many of whom make a year's salary in just weeks by finding and selling yartsa gunbu. Scientific proof of cordycepin's efficacy will only increase demand for the fungus, which could prove dangerous. "With cultivation we have a level of quality control that's missing in the wild," says de Moor.

"There is definitely some truth somewhere in certain herbal medicinal traditions, if you look hard enough," says de Moor. "But ancient healers probably wouldn't notice a 10 percent mortality rate resulting from herbal remedies. In the scientific world, that's completely unacceptable." If you want to be safe, she adds, "wait for the medicine."

Ancient Chinese medical traditions—which also use ground tiger bones as a cure for insomnia, elephant ivory for religious icons, and rhinoceros horns to dispel fevers—are controversial but popular. Such remedies remain in demand regardless of scientific advancement—and endangered animals continue to be killed in order to meet that demand. While pills using cordycepin from farmed fungus might someday replace yartsa gunbu harvesting, tigers, elephants, and rhinos are disappearing much quicker than worms.

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Two Winners in Record Powerball Jackpot

Winning tickets for the record Powerball jackpot worth more than $579 million were purchased in Arizona and Missouri.

Missouri Lottery official Susan Goedde confirmed to ABC News this morning that one of the winning tickets was purchased in the state, but they would not be announcing a town until later this morning. Powerball's website reports the other winning ticket was purchased in Arizona.

The winning numbers for the jackpot were 5, 23, 16, 22 and 29. The Powerball was 6.

Before the numbers were drawn on Wednesday, the jackpot swelled to $579.9 million, making the cash option $379.8 million.

An additional 8,924,123 players won smaller prizes, according to Powerball's website.

"There were 58 winners of $1 million and there were eight winners of $2 million. So a total of $74 million," said Chuck Strutt, Director of the Multi-State Lottery Association.

In Photos: Biggest Lotto Jackpot Winners

Hopeful players bought tickets at the rate of 131,000 every minute up until an hour before the deadline of 11 p.m. ET, according to lottery officials.

The jackpot had already rolled over 16 consecutive times without a winner. That fact, plus the doubling in price of a Powerball ticket, accounted for the unprecedented richness of the pot.

"Back in January, we moved Powerball from being a $1 game to $2," said Mary Neubauer, a spokeswoman at the game's headquarters in Iowa. "We thought at the time that this would mean bigger and faster-growing jackpots."

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

That proved true. The total, she said, began taking "huge jumps -- another $100 million since Saturday." It then jumped another $50 million.

The biggest Powerball pot on record until now -- $365 million -- was won in 2006 by eight Lincoln, Neb., co-workers.
As the latest pot swelled, lottery officials said they began getting phone calls from all around the world.

"When it gets this big," said Neubauer, "we get inquiries from Canada and Europe from people wanting to know if they can buy a ticket. They ask if they can FedEx us the money."

The answer she has to give them, she said, is: "Sorry, no. You have to buy a ticket in a member state from a licensed retail location."

About 80 percent of players don't choose their own Powerball number, opting instead for a computer-generated one.
Asked if there's anything a player can do to improve his or her odds of winning, Neubauer said there isn't -- apart from buying a ticket, of course.

Lottery officials put the odds of winning the $579 Powerball pot at one in 175 million, meaning you'd have been 25 times more likely to win an Academy Award.

Skip Garibaldi, a professor of mathematics at Emory University in Atlanta, provided additional perspective: You are three times more likely to die from a falling coconut, he said; seven times more likely to die from fireworks, "and way more likely to die from flesh-eating bacteria" (115 fatalities a year) than you are to win the Powerball lottery.

Segueing, then, from death to life, Garibaldi noted that even the best physicians, equipped with the most up-to-date equipment, can't predict the timing of a child's birth with much accuracy.

"But let's suppose," he said, "that your doctor managed to predict the day, the hour, the minute and the second your baby would be born."

The doctor's uncanny prediction would be "at least 100 times" more likely than your winning.

Even though he knows the odds all too well, Garibaldi said he usually plays the lottery.

When it gets this big, I'll buy a couple of tickets," he said. "It's kind of exciting. You get this feeling of anticipation. You get to think about the fantasy."

So, did he buy two tickets this time?

"I couldn't," he told ABC News. "I'm in California" -- one of eight states that doesn't offer Powerball.

ABC News Radio contributed to this report.

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Gas explosion in Springfield points to ageing pipes

Human error and corroded pipes were a catastrophic combination on 23 November when a natural gas explosion in Springfield, Massachusetts, injured 21 people and damaged more than 40 buildings.

Gas company officials attributed the incident to an employee puncturing a high-pressure pipeline with a metal probe while looking for a leak. However, the steel pipeline was highly corroded, making it susceptible to damage, according to Mark McDonald, president of the New England Gas Workers Association. "You would have to be Superman to go through steel pipe in good condition," he says.

Ageing natural gas pipelines in the US are increasingly coming under scrutiny. A recent study found 3356 leaks from pipelines under Boston alone. Twenty-five thousand leaks have been reported throughout Massachusetts, some of which have been leaking continuously for more than 20 years, McDonald says. "Enough is enough," he says. "We have to fix the leaks and maintain the gas lines."

The leaks raise safety concerns, and have implications for global warming. Methane is thought to be more than 20 times more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide over a 100 year period.

Incidents involving natural gas pipelines in the US cause an average of $133 million in property damage each year according to data collected by the US Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration. Even accounting for inflation, annual damages are several times higher today than they were 20 years ago.

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President Tony Tan lays wreath at National Heroes Cemetery in Jakarta

SINGAPORE: President Tony Tan Keng Yam has laid a wreath at the Kalibata National Heroes Cemetery in Jakarta.

The Singapore President and his delegation spent 30 minutes paying their respects to Indonesia's fallen national heroes and visiting the site's museum.

President Tan is scheduled to be given a ceremonial welcome by Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at the Merdeka Palace on Wednesday afternoon.

This will be followed by a state banquet hosted by President Yudhoyono later in the evening.

President Tony Tan is on the second day of his five-day state visit to Indonesia.

- CNA/lp

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Sharp to sell ultrathin IGZO 4K LED display

Sharp will begin sales an ultrathin IGZO 4K LED display from early next year.

The Japanese display maker said Wednesday that it will launch sales of a Full HD 3,840x2,160 resolution 32-inch LED-backlit display starting on February 15, 2013.

Including the chassis, the model PN-K321 display is 35mm thick and compatible with DisplayPort and HDMI connectors.

Probably its most salient feature is the use of IGZO technology -- something Apple has had its eye on for the
iPad because IGZO can yield very-high-resolution yet thin displays.

Sharp has a production target of 1,500 units a month. No pricing was given.

Sharp also plans to bring out denser small displays. Last month the company said it has begun production of a 5-inch 1,080x1,920 display.

That's a pixel density of 443 pixels per inch. By comparison,
Apple's iPhone 5 has a pixel density of 326 pixels per inch.

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Pictures: Falcon Massacre Uncovered in India

Photograph courtesy Conservation India

A young boy can sell bundles of fresh Amur falcons (pictured) for less than five dollars. Still, when multiplied by the thousands of falcons hunters can catch in a day, the practice can be a considerable financial boon to these groups.

Since discovering the extent of Amur hunting in Nagaland this fall, Conservation India has taken the issue to the local Indian authorities.

"They have taken it very well. They've not been defensive," Sreenivasan said.

"You're not dealing with national property, you're dealing with international property, which helped us put pressure on [them]." (Related: "Asia's Wildlife Trade.")

According to Conservation India, the same day the group filed their report with the government, a fresh order banning Amur hunting was issued. Local officials also began meeting with village leaders, seizing traps and confiscating birds. The national government has also requested an end to the hunting.

Much remains to be done, but because the hunt is so regional, Sreenivasan hopes it can eventually be contained and stamped out. Authorities there, he said, are planning a more thorough investigation next year, with officials observing, patrolling, and enforcing the law.

"This is part of India where there is some amount of acceptance on traditional bush hunting," he added. "But at some point, you draw the line."

(Related: "Bush-Meat Ban Would Devastate Africa's Animals, Poor?")

Published November 27, 2012

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Study Finds Most Pork Contaminated

Nov 27, 2012 6:24pm

A sample of raw pork products from supermarkets around the United States found that yersinia enterocolitica, a lesser-known food-borne pathogen, was present in 69 percent of the products tested, according to a study released today by Consumer Reports.

The  bacteria  infects more than 100,000 Americans a year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but  for every case that is confirmed with a laboratory test, about 120 more cases escape diagnosis. Symptoms can include fever, cramps and bloody diarrhea.

For its sample, Consumer Reports included the same pork products millions of Americans buy every day at their supermarkets. The study included 148 pork chops and 50 ground pork samples from around the United States.

In the samples tested, 69 percent tested positive for yersinia and 11 percent for enterococcus, which can indicate fecal contamination that can lead to urinary-tract infections. Salmonella and listeria, the more well-known bacterium, registered at 4 percent and 3 percent, respectively.

“The results were concerning,”  Urvashi Rangan, one of the authors of the report, told “It’s hard to say that there was no problem.  It shows that there needs to be better hygiene at animal plants. Yersinia wasn’t even being monitored for.”

In a written statement, the Pork Producer’s Council questioned the methods used by Consumer Reports, saying the number of samples tested, 198, did  ”not provide a nationally informative estimate of the true prevalence of the cited bacteria on meat.”

Despite the findings, Rangan said  it’s good to know that the bacteria can be killed by cooking the pork properly and by being vigilant about cross-contamination.

Pork cuts should be cooked to 145 degrees, while ground pork needs to reach a temperature of 160 degrees to kill the bacteria.

“Anything that touches raw meat should go into the dishwasher before touching anything else,” Rangan said. ”Juices from raw meat that touch the counter should be washed with hot soapy water.”

The U.S. Department of Agriculture  said the findings “affirm that companies are meeting the established guidelines for protecting the public’s health.

“USDA will remain vigilant against emerging and evolving threats to the safety of America’s supply of meat, poultry and processed egg products, and we will continue to work with the industry to ensure companies are following food safety procedures in addition to looking for new ways to strengthen the protection of public health,” the department said in a statement.

ABC News’ Dr. Anita Chu contributed reporting. 

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