S'pore supports Palestinians' right to homeland: Masagos Zulkifli

SINGAPORE: Singapore has consistently supported the right of the Palestinian people to a homeland, said Senior Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and Home Affairs Masagos Zulkifli.

He made this point in an email reply to a member of the public who had asked about Singapore's decision to abstain from voting on the UN resolution to grant the Non-Member Observer State status to Palestine.

The text of the email was released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It was also shared by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in his Facebook post on Saturday.

The resolution was adopted with 138 voting in favour and nine against. Singapore was one of 41 countries that abstained.

Mr Masagos highlighted Singapore's voting record at the United Nations.

Singapore supported two General Assembly resolutions last November pertaining to the peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine and Jerusalem.

Singapore also voted in favour of another resolution on the right of the Palestinian people to self determination.

Of the 19 resolutions on various Palestinian-related issues tabled at the UNGA since 2008, Singapore has voted in favour of 18 while one was adopted by consensus.

Mr Masagos said it is therefore incorrect to say that Singapore does not support the Palestinian cause.

As to why Singapore abstained from voting on the latest resolution, Mr Masagos reiterated the point made in the explanation of the vote.

He said Singapore believes that only a negotiated settlement consistent with UN Security Council Resolution 242 can provide the basis for a viable, long-term solution.

Israel and Palestine have legitimate rights and shared responsibilities, and must be prepared to make compromises to achieve the larger good of a lasting peace.

Mr Masagos said because the rights and responsibilities of both sides are inextricably intertwined, no unilateral move can result in a just, peaceful and durable outcome.

He added that Singapore believes that Palestine's aspirations are not helped by this latest unilateral move as facts on the ground will not be changed.

But Singapore understands the desires of the Palestinians for an independent state and that of Israel for its security.

Singapore also shares the international community's concerns about the lack of progress in the Middle East Peace Process.

Mr Masagos said this is why Singapore chose not to vote against the resolution.

Singapore hopes that Israel and Palestine will resume negotiations as early as possible.

He said Singapore will continue to support all international efforts to facilitate a negotiated solution that will be in the long-term interests of Palestine, Israel and the region as a whole.

On the issue of violence or oppression, Mr Masagos said Singapore had publicly expressed concern at the loss of innocent lives on both the Palestinian and Israeli sides during the recent outbreak of hostilities.

Singapore called for an immediate ceasefire and access to humanitarian aid.

Singapore also hopes that both sides will continue to uphold the latest ceasefire brokered by the Egyptian government and United Nations.

- CNA/xq

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