Conan Screenshot by Chris Matyszczyk/CNET)
When it comes to late-night talk shows, I am not sure if Conan O'Brien is bringing up the rear.
He seems, though, to be keen on suggesting that
Google Glass might be scraping the bottom of the barrel.
It's not so much that Google has created these new glasses through which you can have a richer, more informative view of the world. It's that the company has created a sister device, intended to be worn as, well, a back-up.
And so we see Google Glass from the other side of life. It is the side most familiar to dogs and bicycle seats.
You must decide whether you find Conan's revelation -- or, indeed, Conan himself -- funny.
But such humor serves to offer that Google's funny little glasses are having a small impact on the outside world.
Conan can't resist making an ass of Google Glass
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Conan can't resist making an ass of Google Glass
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Conan can't resist making an ass of Google Glass